Sorry for not updating, just have been busy and haven't really had anything worthy of posting. I am working part-time right now due to my health, so I have been watching alot of National Geographic Channel. I have now come to the conclusion that most wild animals are way more civilized than human beings. Elephants, lions etc all live in their prides, nurture their young, and basically provide for their family. Woe to anything that threatens their offspring. They will offer themselves as prey in order to protect their young.
Watching this made me think about humans and family values. There are parents who can't choose between a 1/5 of whiskey vs. feeding their young. The life skills that they teach nowadays seems to be more street survival than anything else. Sometimes the leader of the human family, matriarch or patriarch, are being raised by their young or they simply abandon them to grandparents or the state.
What the fuck happened to MAN, when a mother lion is a better parent than he?