What the fuck???? Excuse me, but this is unacceptable. Where is the accountability? I am 41, I remember being a kid and sitting in the gas lines of the 70's, odd and even days. Now it wouldn't make a difference because there would be no line, because people can't afford it. Kenny and I argued last night. I said we should make the price of our wheat commiserate with the price of oil.. He said we can't because that is a crime against humanity, and we would be just like Hitler. I don't agree with him. They are starving us in their own way. The price of my eggs and milk have skyrocketed. I can only whip up so many damn recipes with ground beef...This is all going to eventually lead to another war. I am not the most politically knowledgeable person, but I think it not a coincidence that we are stationed in the Middle East. We aren't leaving anytime soon. What saddens me is this generation seems so oblivious to what is going on right in front of their eyes. Kids don't move out anymore. They can't afford it. I have an 18yr old at home who is totally clueless. My dear Uncle, who is probably the closest thing to an old school hippie, used to drive around in a punchbuggy and make his jewelry out of his car or wherever he could..he was and is the light of my life. He always had his convictions and spoke them, no matter who got offended and that is what I love the most about him. Do our young people have convictions and beliefs, enough passions to sacrifice material things for the greater good. Ride a bike instead of drive. Turn of the damn air conditioning. Plant a garden...My husband thinks they do, he believes it is the older folks who are more set in their ways and more unbending ie, my health, my asmtha, I'm not gonna be around when we run out of oil etc. The same people that marched in Vietnam are the same ones now who are retired and just live their days out. He hears the "not in my lifetime, so why worry"...I believe I agree with him on that. This is what dear hubby told me this morning..
God granted certain people an audience with one question..
A person from North Korea asked,"God, when will my people be free from oppression and dictatorship"..God smiled and said "20 years after you die.."
A person from Africa asked "Heavenly Father, when will my people stop starving, and being killed?" God replied," 40 years after you die"
A person from the United States asked God, "Pleae Father, when will we stop fighting over oil?"
God just cried...
Have a blessed day...Lori