Jun 12, 2008

Livin' Just Enough For The City

Sorry, when I get depressed I listen to some Stevie...This is one of my favorite songs...and on to my issue of the day...
Gotta question for you folks out there paying gas and electric. Do you have a choice of residential providers for electric companies? Well here in Maryland we don't. We have to deal with Constellation Energy (BG&E). They have increased our bill over the last year by 75percent. I am just getting screwed all the way around, no kiss, no lube, no nothing...I am getting ready to fight the fight on the telephone for my mother today who had to go to energy assistance and told they ran out of money. So now I have to beg them to make payment arrangements for a 65 year old woman who has always worked and paid her bills. Ironically, business's have a choice of service providers. Why do they get a choice, and Joe Blow doesn't? Our Govenor-Martin o'Malley certainly has proved to be quite the big disappointment. I personally was a big Kurt Schmoke fan...He wasn't perfect, but he had the average citizen mentality, also Barbara Mikulski is another one who still fights for the local residents. I'll let you all know how this battle with me vs. gas and electric goes today. I might have to pick up the world's oldest profession, don that skirt and glass heels..damn..damn...damn.....( yes, I do own a pair of glass heels, don't ask).......another story for another day....


1 comment:

Wanda J said...

First it's milk, then it's gas, now the utilities; Bush and his cronies are determined to sock it to us but good before he finally gets out of that office!! It seems like the closer the end of his term comes, the worse things get! It's like he wants to put us in a hole so deep, that there won't be anything anyone coming into office can do to get us out! Then the Republicans can sit on their fat asses and say "See! You should have elected a Republican white man!"