Sep 4, 2009


Sorry I haven't been blogging. I checked out the place it's perfect. My problem is money, of course. No matter how I do the math, I am short. My bosses mother died yesterday so the restaurant is going to be closed for three days. That's alot of money to me. The cheapest truck I could find to rent is $350.00. I just can't make the numbers add up. So now depression is sinking in and I am scared. My old boss did say she would rehire me, they had just hired some new people. She called me as I was boarding the plane and said for me to call her every week and she would try to find me an opening, but she did say she would re-hire me. It's finding me a spot. The truck is rented for Oct. 1. I can't burn my current landlord as she lives 3 minutes down the street from me in Baltimore, plus I clean for her from time to time for $15 an hour. So that is why I have been away from my keyboard. Gotta get ready for work. Please pray for me.

Aug 30, 2009


Drinking my early coffee, waiting for the meds to unloosen my back. Figures, I got my monthly blessing the night before I go to the airport. Been very nervous and uptight lately. I think I will feel better after today when I am in familiar territory. (And when I hear the words, "You're Hired"). Thanks for all the encouragement everyone has offered me. I am taking it to Baltimore with me. Time to hit the shower and make sure I have no fluids over 3 ounces in my bag. Enjoy the Sunday. Be back tomorrow evening. Peace!!