I anticipated my two days off. Spent them in bed sick. I do not like feeling that way. I literally slept most of the day yesterday. I am going to start swallowing vitamins and trying to eat better. Coffee and cigarettes does not make for good health. Top if off with daily stress/work and ta da, you get sick. I am trying to re-awaken my mojo because in 3 and half hours I have to be nice. The time clock awaits. God I would love to take another day off. I wish I knew how to call in sick. It simply is not in my nature. So I am sitting here with my headphones on and my coffee, typing. Once I get the oommph to get in the shower I know I am halfway there. I do know I am starting to envy all the retired people I wait on. I want to be retired dammit. Notice the word TIRED in retired? I want to spend my days at Denny's and my nights watching bad tv, complaining about ailments and not worry about owning an alarm clock. Or do I? This little voice inside of me tells me it is too soon to throw the apron in. Someone has to do what I do, right? I think the caffeine is kicking in. My uniform is folded on the bed waiting for me. Please be kind to your server today.. She/he might be a little under the weather, a little blue. Ok, Maxwell House has done it's job. Off to shower and shine and do my thing. For all the working stiffs of the world, have a great day and kill 'em with kindness. (It's ok to cuss everyone out on the inside, as long as you are smiling on the outside, trust me). Peace!
May you find some ease during the day every now and Zen Lori.
Anyone who deals with the public is going to get the flu, doesn't matter if you take vitamins or not. Only thing you can do is wash hands a lot, that has been proven to cut down on germs.
It is unfair to be sick on your day off!
Hope you feel better today.
I feel the same way--I am SO READY to be retired. The worst part for me is getting up and getting out of bed. I hate mornings! I am a much nicer person on the weekends, when I can awaken on my own schedule.
Love you, Lori!
WM- I try to find the perfect ying/yang balance.. It isnt' easy, lol...
Lou- My boss is a stickler for constant handwashing. We have soap and sanitizer everywhere. I guess it only works so much.. Feel a little better today..
SB- Aw, I love you too SB...I do get so envious of the retired folks. But than I wonder if they ever get envious of us working folks? I am so tired of having a sense of purpose, lol...one day our time shall come....
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