Yup, woke up again to more snow. It's starting to lose it's appeal.. Yeah, the first snowfall is pretty..After that, it becomes more of a pain in the ass. I don't enjoy it at all. My dog has a ball frolicking in it. Than he barks and runs in and lays next to the heater. Someone told me this is the year of El Nino. I just know we seem to be getting snow on a weekly basis. Are you a snow person? Do you enjoy scraping the windshield and de-icing them? There are always those lovely people who talk about snow and it's beauty.. I would rather see photos and paintings of snow that actually walk around in it and drive to work in it. Just my personal preference. So if you live in the northern areas and have to deal with the white muck, you have my sympathies. Now I must get ready for work and go clean off the damn car. Stay warm.,,
I know that damn snow left us inundated with about 4 inches so far this year. hahahahahahahahahaahaha
Thus far it has been a great winter in D town!
I'm with you. After the first snowfall, I am ready for spring. Laugh.
Hang in there, Lori. Love you.
When I lived in Houston, snow was a marvelous event that occurred in measurable quantities every 50 years.
Now in Connecticut, I hate the stuff. Walking is dangerous, driving is dangerous and the cold is dangerous.
Once every 50 years is enough!
WM- We are supposed to get 20-24 inches starting sometimes after noon. They are already closing schools etc.. in anticipation of the blizzard. It SUCKS...
SB- We always seem to be on the same page...We have a bad blizzard coming this weekend, supposed to start this afternoon..29-24 inches...I wish I was in GA. at the present time, lol.
Whitemist...I hate the stuff too. I waited on a nurse last night and she told me that they actually call their patients when they have a storm forecast because too many of them were falling and getting hurt coming in the bad weather. I agree, Once every 50 years is enough!!! Makes for beautiful paintings on your part though.:)
I love the seasons...all of them. Think spring, sweet one!
Lou- Spring and Fall are my absolute favorites!
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