Apr 7, 2010

Watching a loved one spiral out of control

I am watching my brother go on a downward spiral. It is disheartening. The only positive that has come from this is that it has made me take an inventory of my life. I am now inspired to make changes. Don't have alot of time to blog this am. as I have to do my one morning shift of the week. I am seeing parallels of a younger me and don't like it,not one bit. So I can't be a rescuer, only of myself. This has given me the motivation to do the best I can. By God's grace that could be me if I am not diligent. So this new work week is filled with positive's. I am working on my goals not with a ferocity. That is why I haven't been blogging as much as normal. I am exhausted. I love my blogger friends dearly. You all inspire me daily. The Paxil has made a huge difference and I am starting to find the actual clarity in my muddy waters. You can't bullshit yourself. Here is to a new healthy week. God Bless and be happy each and everyone of you..Time to don my uniform and tie my apron tightly. Peace!


Sarcastic Bastard said...

God bless and you be happy, too! It seems to me that your thinking about your brother's situation is absolutely correct. I'm still sorry to hear of his troubles though.

Hang in there, doll.

You are loved.

the walking man said...

Time to cut the brother loose if he is hanging around with BP.

Lori said...

Sb- He is 32. I am not Mother Theresa. Thanks for always being loving and supportive!

WM- That is the plan. Ironically BP is so disappointed in his uncle. He despises drugs. He lived the life and saw the consequences. I am watching years of respect for a cool uncle erode and turn into apathy.