Jul 8, 2011

Small town working girl

The grind has begun again. I am now slinging hash at a restaurant in PA. It reminds me so much of the atmosphere in Georgia. (That is a good thing) Mostly regular clientele and nice family atmosphere. When you take a hiatus from work/people for quite awhile it almost is a surreal feeling to be back in society doing "normal" things. I couldn't write, didn't call most of my dear friends. I just wanted to be alone. I am finally getting myself settled in. I did learn during my period of introspection that city life simply isn't for me anymore. Too many predatory people. They hide behind smiles and beautiful clothes, cars etc, but the inside is ugly. The people that I get along with best are the "What you see is what I am" type. I am sure there are many great people living and thriving in our urban areas, but through my eyes I didn't see many since my return to Baltimore. I think my next item on the wish list is a fabulous camera. Just like life can be chronicled through the written word, so it can be done via a camera. Pictures don't lie. I have all the photos from Georgia saved on my flash drive. Anyhoo...time to get in the shower and put that working game face on and do my thing. Be safe and be blessed. Life might seem shitty, but just waking up everyday is a blessing. Peace!


goatman said...

I wonder what "slung hash" looks like . . . Never mind, I think I have an idea.
It seems you may have moved to a cooler place anyway.
New digs are always a trip, the best to you.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Hi there. So glad you like the place you are working. Now that's a REALLY BIG blessing.



Lori said...

Goatman- Maybe I shall wait on you one day and I will sling hash at you, lol. I am liking this new area. Actually I am loving it. New digs are a trip, but I am having a great time with it. My bedroom looks rather retro. I love it. xoxo

SB- I know right? Not dreading punching in? That's something brand new. Mucho Love Sister.

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog from start to finish in the past couple of days. It seems like it went from a deep, introspective look at your struggle with life and drugs to a superficial glimpse at the surface of your life. As I have struggled with some of the same things, I would like to know more.


Lori said...

Anon- I am flattered that you have taken time to read my blog. Lately I have been very busy working, (excuse) plus, I am torn as of late on how much I want to dwell on the past. Things are going very well in life right now. I am working, I have a dear friend that is amazing. I do agree though, I have been giving short synopsis's instead. Thanks for the food for thought. I hope you are doing well in your struggles...