Aug 25, 2011

We are off to see the wizard...

Yes, I do feel like Dorothy some-days. If I could go to Oz and see The Wizard what would I ask for? I really can't say at this moment. I have a heart, I hear it beating. I know I have a brain. I have courage. That I am 100% on. I don't have my own dog, my own personal Toto. I have a dog that lives here that I love very much, but she doesn't belong to me at the end of the day. Hmmm, maybe going to Oz isn't in the plans. I do so love a good fairy tale. I can still pick up the book Alice in Wonderland and read it and love it. Fairy tales are a very important piece of our cultural library. That is where little girls decide they want their own Prince Charming. Some are scary. Currently I feel like Sleeping Beauty. I need a Prince to come kiss me and wake me up from this inner freeze. I can project emotions that are needed at work or in social situations perfectly. Time to be myself, the real me, is when I have trouble. The best part about life is our ability to re-invent ourselves. It comes in quite handy.

On another note, I was watching a piece on Heidi Fliess last night. She is now living in the desert in Vegas with about 20 birds. Big birds. She is now opening a dog kennel and a brothel but with male prostitutes. Whatever works. People can say what they want about her, but she made 100 million dollars before she was 30. The woman has a brain. Now if she puts it to good use. I pray for all the troubled souls and gosh, there are so 'effing many. Peace and stay dry during the impending hurricane...


Lou said...

Aww, you are really you!

We can reinvent ourselves. I've done it several times. Well, I've tried to make what was already there better..

Lori said...

Lou- Thanks..You always have a kind word for everyone. I, too, agree about re-invention. It does work...xoxo