Apr 13, 2008

Get the cool shoeshine.....

Yeah, I like The Gorillaz.....The world is spinning too fast, I agree...Work was alright last night. My nice generous family came in last night, thank God. Two tables, sales of $245.00..not bad..not great.. I'm a competitive beast on the floor...I am used to sales of $800 plus a night. It is going to happen if I have to go knock on everyone's door and drag them to this place. Everyone who is coming in is a repeat customer. I used to work with this one waiter at a restaurant that shall remain nameless, we used to have sales contests, privately, he and I. One night we worked a double together and he beat me by ONE PENNY!!!.. I cried...seriously... I sold 1012.41 he sold 1012.42. I still refer to that as Black Saturday....To me being a server is one of the best jobs in the world. You come in and I treat you well, make sure you enjoy your meal and have a fabulous time, and you pay me. Sort of being a food prostitute. with no STD'S...I am glad I am an optimist. Sort of like The Field of Dreams...you build it and they will come. Just wish it was that easy...Enjoy your Sunday, make the most of the day....



the walking man said...

Serving food sounds like cold selling dictionaries door to door, a job I once did many many moons ago. The day I outsold the crew chief I quit and went on with the rest of my life.

No shame in losing by a penny but if possible I would have bought, and served myself a drink on the sly. : P

Onward and upward my friend, onward and upward.



Lori said...

cold selling dictionaries door to door

Great analogy...believe it or not I tried that when I was 17 I think...Quit after two days.. Those books were HEAVY..

Still forward marching,...Lori