Always chasing after a carrot that is just out of reach. Isn't that the story of most of our lives? Just when we think we have attained everything we need, their is always something out just out of our reach. I am starting to learn to be thankful for our blessings in life. No matter how small. We, at least right now aren't living in abject poverty so I am thankful for that. I just see our economy crumbling right in front of me. I watch people that I have known for years all of the sudden just not making it. What happened to our American dream? Will it ever re-appear? All of the potential presidential candidates are talking a good game, but have they ever really walked in any of our shoes? I doubt it...Sorry, that is just what I believe. I hope whoever gets elected does make a change. But I am not holding my breath..
Sadly enough Lori what you say is true. Most Politicians are just that and will say whatever it takes to get the right sound byte. That's why we have to try to construct our own world finances and life away from government as much as we can.
That credit card trap over the past three decades is finally coming home to roost. People are starting to use them again to live off of, so I don't expect there is much more before we see massive homelessness and more importantly hopelessness.
This may be the end game, what the powers that be wanted as a way to capture a larger portion of wealth.
All you can really do is hold on and see if the sun comes up gray or bright.
Peace friend.
Hi there,
I found your blog through Life of Kel . Hope you don't mind that I have gone and added you to my set of links at my site.
peace, love and happiness...
HI SickGirl,
Nice to hear from you. Of course I don't mind.. It's nice that alot of us have found ways to stay in touch.
Things will change. The honest truth of America is that it goes through periods of shining like a diamond , and also times of sucking pure shit. What the world forgets , and sometimes we ourselves forget.... We are some of the most resiliant people on the face of the earth. Do not give up hope and always fight with everything you have. Do not give in....Ever.
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