May 17, 2008

So Tired!!

This is a late night for me. God smiled on me the last two nights at work and threw some cash in my apron. I have been operating strictly on faith these days. It has been working. I have 6 days till my med refills, and I am sucking it up and just dealing with the illish (not a real word) feelings. It hasn't been easy. I know one thing. I will not run out again. The strange thing is I think I am so used to being in a medicated state of mind that I almost feel out of touch with reality when I am clear-headed. Weird huh? My back is killing me, but it is a consequence I must accept for not managing my medication properly. I am blessed with a doctor who goes out of his way to keep me comfortable, but his deal is "don't show up early", and I have to respect it. So until Friday I am dealing with life on life's terms, and it sucks, but I saw it coming so I did have enough sense to start lowering my meds daily so it wouldn't be too brutal. I am a sissy girl, I like to be comfortable..If I sneeze I think I am sick..The one thing that helps me tremendously when I get like this is MUSIC. So I wake up, turn the puter on and get the java, and find some comfort with some audio relief...It works...the mind is a powerful thing. I watch the news and I see the tragedies happening on our planet right now, and think (and know) what a self oriented person I can be...200,000 people are dead and in a national disaster and I am complaining cause I have the chills and my back hurts. I am very ashamed of my mentality at times. So I know within that no matter how bad things might seem in my world, my God, it could be so much worse. That is an issue I am going to start working on, learning to be thankful...and thank you by the way to everyone who reads my babbling ramblings. It means alot to know that people I have never met, I now consider a long distance friend. A connecting thread to a strange place, a person I have never met. Yes, as I get ready to go to bed...I do believe I am thankful...


1 comment:

the walking man said...

One day about 2 months ago Lori, I simply stopped doing all of my pain meds and muscle relaxers. No more fentynal, Valium, Xanaflex, Cymbalta and whatever else. Fuck it, yea I still hurt but I like you, didn't know anymore where the drug ended and the me started.

Funny for one of the few times that I have detoxed off of shit, there was no illish withdrawal.

The pain is always with me now, but at least I know where to focus myself at, regarding that pain eh? It is my pain, and in feeling it I know exactly what is causing it and what caused it.

Faith is a very good way to live, its worked for me for decades. Ha ha ha ha, I once thought it was a license to be stupid. Do stupid shit and get a pass. Even though most times I did get a pass it was not to a place I expected. Now I am better at being 'real' with faith and when everything is right it is greatly right.

OY1 Yea, faith has got me now and I am most happy that it has you to. Nurture it to cover everything in your life and you will never be without anything that causes human care. sweetheart it is a good path you have set your foot on. You and your music, me and mine and as one we will get at least a few hours sleep.
