Jun 24, 2008

My father

I was thinking about you this morning
with your ill-fitting pants, unkempt hair, and your strong, resonant voice...
Even though you are gone, a few years now,
I just wish you knew
all those words and sermons and preaching that you did,
pretty well for an atheist I might add,
I still hear those words....
I get it....alas, a day late and many dollars too short, but, I get it...
I should have listened more and talked less....
You would be proud tho..
Your grandson knows how to unit shop,
and everytime we see Tussy deodorant..we laugh...
When I see new shoes, I always smell them,
because "they have to be genuine leather"
I savor flavors of all kinds,
you did love a meal, no?
Perhaps a little too much..
You were quite the "nosher"..
You were a very loud man in life...
your voice echoes daily..

Susan Lori R.

1 comment:

the walking man said...

Damn kids never listen until we can longer say "I told you so". ha ha ha ha ha ha being in the same place your pops was with different advice...