Jul 10, 2008

it gets worse

Why do I bother checking the mail? It seems to be a cycle of bad news. Todays gut crusher was a letter from SSI, stating my son's SSI is now cut off because he is 18. J turned 18 in February. He just completed the 11th grade. He is in a summer school work program. Full time. Plus he is working two jobs. I had sent them all the necessary paper work. So the government dude tells me on the phone that is was their oversight, and don't worry, if his check doesn't come next month, don't worry, he will get two in September. What the fuck good is that? Bills come every month. He will be starting his senior year this September. It just seems like the house of cards is collapsing, mostly financial. I am trying to keep a positive mindset, but damn, "they" make it hard. I am becoming a master juggler...I would do a circus proud. It's just the plates are starting to spin to fast and I can't afford to break not one. Pray for me to keep my strength....



the walking man said...

Sometimes Lori, you talk to whomever you have to then the most beneficial thing you can do...is your best. Just continue on getting through the days and the month will pass.

Lori said...


That's my modus of operandi these days. Just keep on keepin' on...thanks for always being so wonderful and supportive, and sending hope and humor my way.

God Bless,
