Sep 19, 2008

Not Hershey's!!! Don't mess with my chocolate.

Everyday I wake up I get a bit of news that is quite the surprise. The Today Show did a piece about how a blogger, who's main topic is candy, noticed that Hershey's has substituted vegetable oil in place of cocoa butter. They have neglected to let the public know that little tidbit,unless you get the magnifying glass out and peruse the label. First they they shrink the candy bars to absorb rising food costs, now they are using an inferior ingredient. In the grand scheme of things I am sure candy bars aren't really an issue when our stock market is collapsing. To me though, that is how consumers are slowly getting cheated. Hershey and all their products are part of American history. We are no longer getting the same product that our parents had, and we are paying more. Cocoa butter comes from the cocoa plant, so maybe the CIA is short on cocaine to trade to some poor country for guns. This is my question. If Hershey is using cheaper ingredients in their product, what other companies are doing likewise? How do we know our ground beef is truly beef? Just a sign of the times...


Wanda J said...

I'm curious, why is vegetable oil considered an "inferior ingredient"? I know it's definitely making a substitution that's not as desirable as using cocoa butter, but I don't think I'd call vegetable oil inferior. It's just not something that should be used in good chocolate.

I guess it's because I'm vegan and I use a lot of vegetable oil that I have a problem with it being called inferior. You are definitely right though, we're not getting the product our parents and grandparents had, not by a long shot!!

Lori said...

You are correct. Inferior was a poor word choice..I just know that it is not the preferred ingredient in chocolate. I cook with vegetable oil all the time. Just want my cocoa butter in my yummy chocolate bar. (Can you tell this is my pms week?)

the walking man said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha...being insulin dependent has an upside.

the walking man said...

Vegetable oil in chocolate is a diminishing of the product, with standing the other uses of the oil.

In chocolate production vegetable oil is inferior to cocoa butter. But then we have learned to accept processed foods as "normal."

Lori said...

My husband is also diabetic, he is still on the Glucotrol..He is on a diet though.. He has lost 25lbs. No candy bars in his diet either dear..

Wanda J said...

Diabetics can have chocolate! It'll just be "inferior" chocolate!! LOL

Lori said...
