Mar 14, 2009

Get out while you can....

Good news all. The brothe in law signed his lease yesterday and moved in to his new place. His wife is coming down on May 3rd. The Yankee invasion is starting,lol. Rick's new landlord is letting him live there for this month free to fix up and paint etc. I enjoy his company but it was time for him to go. I now can walk around my house dressed any damn way I want. I can write without being interuppted. Sounds like such petty little things, but after two and a half weeks, my nerves were starting to get brittle. They found a 3 bedroom rancher with a carport for $500 a month. I could not imagine moving back north and having to pay the astronmical rent and mortgages. Plus, you are not even paying to live in a safe neighborhood for those sky high prices. Mr. Walking Man, this is directed to you. When and if you and your wife can find an opportunity to leave the urban area which rings with gunshots and crack dealers, winos etc., GO. You gave me alot of encouragement and now I am sending you some back to Detroit. It is nice to go to sleep and not worry if our front door is locked. Our alarm system consists of Auggie barking. Peace of mind is priceless.


the walking man said...

*sigh* I am beginning to think I am masochistic.

I am always willing to jump into the unknown and disregard fear it is the wife who is not so ... un-cautious.

Lori said...

I was just like your wife. Finally I threw caution to the wind, and thought, "What do I really have to lose?" Fear of the unknown has been replaced with being in the black instead of the red for once. It took about three months to get there, but it is finally starting to pay off. I see vacations and actually purchasing a home within the next two years. Jump my friend- please! You encouraged me, so now, I am doing the same for you.