I would love for someone to define the word crazy. It is a term that is used quite frequently. Is the man who chooses to sell his million dollar home to travel the world on a motorcycle crazy? What about the heavily bearded guy with the sign that says "Will work for food"? Is he crazy? What about a table of educated individuals deciding to invade a country? Are they crazy? I have met many unique, diverse individuals in my life. I have visited the "nut ward" at the VA hospital. Those men are not crazy. Not that I am a wise sage who can judge sanity. Is there a rubber stamp labled CRAZY for those that choose to live differently? Some of the best conversations I have ever had were with people who might be a little off kilter, dance to the beat of their own drum, or simply dance to a beat that noone else will ever hear. I never thought they were crazy. Now, when I watch the morning news and see the sunny broadcaster yakking about murders and than switching the topic to state fairs and apple pie, that strikes me as more crazy than the man doing the thorazine shuffle. Maybe I am crazy?
Crazy=Anything that flies in the face of the conventional norm.
Insanity on the other hand...
go ahead, I'm dying to hear a true definition of insanity..
Corporate Power
Quest for Success
Railing against the excess of the world while still consuming...
Very thought provoking answer, and quite truthful I do believe.
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