In my 42 soon to be 43 years on this earth, I have learned there are certain people who are truly meant to be alone. They wreak havoc everywhere they go and everything they touch turns to shit. The reverse Midas touch. Somewhere inside my heart I believe we have a responsiblity as human beings to show compassion and care for others. Whether it is holding the door for someone, smiling at another person. Anything to improve the quality of another's day. The reason Denny's is open on Thanksgiving besides the fact alot of folks don't want to cook, is the other reason. We get alot of seniors who come in alone as they have no family. They sit alone and eat their dinner. We, the servers, are the only ones they have to spend the holiday with. Whatever happened to a sense of family? Taking care of your parents? It seems to be all gone. I see it on a daily basis. It is rather sad. We have this one elderly man who eats all three meals at our restaurant. Where are his kids? Try to be kind to someone today. You never know how much it might mean to that person...
I would have my mother over for dinner, but she made her own decision to live far away from her family. She has always made me feel like her boyfriends and their familys are more important that me (her only child) and her only two grandkids.
That said, if she needs help later on, I will not shut her out as she has done me. I'll do my best to take care of her.
sad where we have gone isn't it?
Thanks for coming by.
YesI think that is really sad that you see some elderly people coming in for thanks giving alone. It's a terrible place to be emotionally on a day like that.
Lou- your mom and mine have alot in common. She has always chosen men over my brother and I. I am done with her for now. Too much anger and pain. I need time to heal.
Whitemist-Yes, it is. This is a different era. I actually wait on tables of families where everyone has their IPODS on. What's the point?
Ricardo- When I was younger I didn't have alot of patience for the elderly. Now that I am in my early 40's my mentality has changed. I listen and learn quite a bit. The elderly have quite a bit of wisdom to impart.
*shrug* Just because I have kids I have no expectation of their presence. If they choose not to be a part of who and what I am, that's cool. no one is obligated or duty bound, it must be a desire not a forced obligation that causes someone to want to be with me. If not there is no condemnation from me.
Wm- I agree. Forced company is the worst. I am learning that now. Just because someone has the title of parent doesn't mean that you will get along with that person or share interests or common beliefs. Now I must get out of this damn chair, I have Grand Slams to serve...Have a great day Mark.
This is a good reminder. You are a really sweet person.
Love, SB.
Sorry Lori, while I believe that you are sincere in your desire to be there for people who have no one else, but I'm a bit cynical about Denny's. I think the reason they're open on the holidays is more a money-grubbing stance than an altruistic one. While they may want it to appear that their only concern is that people not be alone, I'll bet if they lost more money than they made on the deal, they'd be closed.
Pookie- Denny's is only concerned about money. Trust me. I just choose to take the hand that is dealt and make the best of it. If not I would go crazy..
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