Dec 19, 2009


This is a post that is rather hurtful. During the time that my late husband was sick and dying my brother in law and I got very close. Many months have now passed, and I see the distance setting in. He and his wife moved to Pa about two months after we moved back to Baltimore. We have visited about 3 times. The phone calls are fewer and far between. I am going to let it go. The tie that binded us is gone. Maybe it is too hurtful as when we are together we share very painful memories. I hope that is what it is. Kenny and his brother had their moments. They didn't speak for a couple years at one time. If I am honest the one tie that they shared was their love of drugs. Oh yeah, and a great meal. Yes, they had a dysfunctional childhood, but didn't most of us? I am working a double on X-Mas. The only thing I know how to do is work. My son still looks to him as an uncle and he loves his wife. They both know I am working. I have not received a phone call inviting him up there and I am not going to push it. I have learned through age and time to leave well enough alone. I do not know what else to do. Jesse is still so damn young and idealistic I am not going to tamper with his good memories of family members. I think I will let him keep those. I try to keep my heart open but it is now very guarded. I hope everyone who lives north is safe and warm and toasty in this horrid weather we are having. There is a mountain of snow outside and I did go to work in it. My father would have been proud. I have an awesome work ethic of which I am proud. I should have been a mailman. Be well and warm...


the walking man said...

Unless they are a direct threat to his safety it is not up to you what relationship does or does not develop between BP and the extended family.

I never minded working Christmas it *shrug* killed the day.

Detroit got maybe a half inch between yesterday morning and this morning {-p}

Lori said...

WM- I agree, that's why I leave it alone. I have been in this business for 20 years now. Holidays are part of the game. We got hit hard. You know when McDonalds closes it's bad...Drive safely.