Dec 18, 2009

Here is some addict reasoning

I work with a girl who shall remain nameless. She came in last night and she is very sick with an upper respiratory infection. She said, "I feel like being bad' wanna get high, in this case smoking crack"..She said, "don't you ever feel like being bad, I know you do?" I said yes, than played it off. Her reasoning for smoking crack? She thinks she has walking pneumonia and that a hit of crack will clear her lungs....That is a new one for me in all my years of hearing rationalizations for getting high. Opiate addiction I understand much better as it is more of a physical thing, coke is mind thing. It will also take you to hell much quicker as it distorts your thinking, that little voice that tells you not to do stupid shit for more money. At the end of my shift she asked to borrow $15. She had gotten there as my relief. Told her we had a bad weather forecast for the weekend and I had to hold my money. I did not know that smoking crack is a way to clear your lungs from walking pneumomia. Even I just learned a new one. I just remembered that and had to post that. It must be a disease because no healthy person would come up with that kind of logic....Peace.


Unknown said...

Living with a person I call an ex-alcoholic (he says there is no such thing, but he is 33 years sober), we often compare "views". To him drinking at 10 in the morning is reasonable, it makes no sense to me. NOT drinking when I feel depressed makes perfect sense, drinking something when I am celebrating makes sense. He would say it did not matter how he was feeling, drinking was the thing.
The differences are some times amazing, but i respect his path.

Lori said...

Whitemist- My landlord is an alcoholic. About 14 beers a night. Not counting all the pot he smokes. His "view" is that he only drinks after 8pm and doesn't drive. He is a happy go lucky type. Very lonely. The lifestyle causes the lonliness. He has tried and tried to get me to see what a good match he would be for me, and constantly tells me his net worth. That is even more unappealing. I agree, his path is his. It does make me sad that he will probably always walk it alone.

Brother Frankie said...

i remember sitting in a crack house after three days of hitting the stem...(i was the only white guy for miles by the way) and the lady of the house had the worst flu ever... she said, mr spankie, just give me a hit to kill all these germs and i will be fine.. after i hooked her up with a boulder of a hit, she handed me my stem back.. i told her to keep it. i did not think the crack resin killed the germs...

i still struggle with opiates as i am prescribed large amounts for chronic pain. they do not kill the germs either. but i do not worry about them as much..

also, my wife and i used to say "ya feel like being bad?" during our crack addiction.... its a way to let everyone know we were normal people, just crack heads...

you are loved
merry Christmas
Brother Frankie
A ex crackhead and sober alcoholic..
for this i am grateful....