It's Xmas, or whatever you choose to celebrate. May it be blessed and wonderful. If you have parents, kiss and hug them, they might not be here much longer. Love your children. Be a great friend. Be your best. Not for just the holidays. All day everyday. Aspire...To the moon...no limits. If the Mayan calendar is correct, we don't have much longer. The world will cease to exist as we know it. Make your amends. Be at peace in your own skin. Sleep easy. Try not to survive. Thrive. If the Mayans and other's are wrong, that is wonderful. Someone once said "live as if each day is your last".. That is how I am going to bring in the new year. Riding a new wave in my life. I've cleaned out my closets, fighting my demons daily. I shall overcome. For myself, my son, for humanity. It starts with one. Happy Holidays....
Merry Christmas lori..
Have a good day :)
It was a good day for me. And for you?
Happy days to you.
I am sure you are working, as usual on a Holiday.
Keep on Thriving!
Butterflies- Happy Holidays to you as well. I've been meaning to stop by your blog, been real busy. Be blessed.
Mark-It was a good day. Glad you had a great holiday.
Whitemist- Yeah, we were slammed. Even McDonalds was closed, so we were the only place open. Yes, I shall keep on thriving..
The power of one! So true!
I'm glad to have met you this year. I hope you have a little down time this coming week, even though I know you looove to make money...LOL.
Lou- Everything can change with just one! Hugs and kisses to you and your family...
Good advice, Lori. You are loved.
SB- Knowing that there are people out there who care for me makes such a difference in my life, you can't imagine.
Actually, I can imagine. I am going through a bit of a lonely patch myself, with the divorce and all. It does mean a WHOLE LOT.
Love you.
SB- I agree. Don't be lonely lovey...you've got all your virtual friends, and sometimes, they are alot better than "real life" friends, as they don't show up and ask to borrow your car, money etc. lol.. love ya...
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