May 15, 2012

Am. Ramblings

Good day to everyone.  My spirits are in a decent place today.  I woke up feeling fresh and full of energy.  Lately that doesn't seem to happen.  I have been thinking about all the things that make me miserable and I actually wrote them down.  Than I took a good look at my list and anything that I was not able to change I removed it from my list and my life.  What I had left I decided I could fix.  My first goal is exercise.  I have been walking the dog twice a day and we go for a fairly long jaunt.  That is not enough.  I bought vitamins and B-12.  I want to be able to walk daily by myself, a power-walk type thing.  I have great music in my phone and bright pink ear buds, so today is going to be my first day of power-walking. The next change is my addiction to something so creamy and sweet that I love.  Ice-cream.  Yup, the cookie dough and the party cake ice-cream are something that I want to ingest daily.  Most people go on booze or drug benders, I go on ice-cream benders.  No more of that.   Yes, I am a smoker. Mostly in the am. with my coffee, and after meals.  I am changing my diet first.  I don't think I am ready to quit smoking. Mainly because I don't want to at this point in my life.  I have to have at least one vice. Who knows?  Maybe this time next year I will change my mind.  The biggest change I want to make is to have my morning ME time.  That is when I meditate and think and write. Since I have moved I have been keeping crazy hours and I noticed that if I don't have my special time in the early dawn, the rest of my day turns to shit.  Do any of you have daily rituals that make you feel complete?  Things that you do daily to give you peace of mind.  I would love to hear about them. Have a great day and Live In The Moment!


Unknown said...

those special times are essential and we need them more than the coffee or cigarette (i am not one to talk, never even tried a cigarette).
Keep with the quiet time, it is important

the walking man said...

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh I am in the moment...where else can you be silly? Glad you're seeing it now. And don't change things to quickly but the slow and resolute pace is the path to being different.

Lori said...

Whitemist- Right now as I sit here and type with my coffee and smokes and a decent playlist of my favorite music I am in my glory. This is when I truly think I am at my best. I will def keep with the quiet time...Be well dear..xoxo

WM- Ok smartypants, yes we are living in the moment. However some people are stuck in the past never moving forward. I do agree that slow and steady wins the race in the game called life. I learned that early from the tortoise and the hare. I can't wait to share a cup of coffee with you oneday...;)