Good question huh??? If I only knew...things in my world would make sense, supposedly "they" say...At least my husband has a degree of mental illness, so I know where his mind is..just kidding honey...he has made peace with most of his demons...I just wish I knew how to handle the pressure cooker that most people refer to as daily life. I am on a mission to make my work successful. I like to be on a winning team. Isn't that human nature? In a work environment I think I grow a set of balls that I wish I could carry around when I punch out. We all have things we are good at- mine is the service industry. I am a huge fan of immediate gratification. Hence, the line of work I choose...Every time you cash out your check, I open that little black book and when I receive a fantastic tip, it is pure validation, and re-enforces my belief in myself. Now, if the rest of my life were so freaking simple...not!!!! Have a great day out there in blog land....
is. Lori, it is not a failing to not be able to see the simplicity because of so much duplicity around us.
Cut through everything your world tells you you should have or be and just be. This is the essence of the cosmic (note check spelling cosmic not comic) you.
Once the external want and need is shed then you can see the true person that was hidden under all of the crap and begin to rebuild all of the understanding of self as it relates to the cosmos, not the planet.
You want balls? Shit honey you got great big ones, now use 'em.
It is so nice to communicate with a fellow human being who has an understanding of the "big" picture. The things that REALLY matter. Not the size of your car or how big your house is. The size of your car..etc..Unless I am happy within, all the external forces mean absolutely nothing to me...I get what you say brother....
; P
you ok?
still lurking letting you know I am here if needs be.
peace Lori
A couple things. I am fucked. I think we are all to some degree and the first asshole that says they are not surely must be the worst. I am involved in committing people to psychiatric facilities at my job. It sucks and I could be in their shoes at any given moment. I am lucky though because I am a great actor. I just pretend like I am not a total fucking psycho and it usually works out good.
This pixies song.....ahh.....I lived in Florida for a while and would listen to that song when I drove over the gigantic beautiful brige leading to the ocean. I just had a little moment when I listened / watched it here. Thanks.
Also....Balls are kind of over rated.
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