Aug 17, 2008

Arcs of life

Today I had the discussion about "The Arcs of Life"...My husband is going to be 51 next month and I will be 42 in December. He believes that with every decade comes a new arc of life. Now mind you I must put a disclaimer here that he does suffer from mental illness, he has papers and everything...anyhow. I agree that we all have different points and periods in our life. I told him that I have a need to work full time, to get out of the house. His depression is overwhelming at times and I need to do something positive, plus the extra money would be a huge help. Sometimes it isn't always about love. I am hoping to lead by example. I am hoping that me being goal oriented and positive will be an inspiration. This is a man who on a good day will make numerous plans, and than follow thru on none. I just know that ultimately I will be responsible for myself. I still have many years of work left in me and I don't want to waste them. Yes, his arc might be different than mine, but I totally understand the worries about aging etc. After 18 years I get it. I also know that in order for me to be totally happy I have to find something fulfilling to do with all my spare time. Sure, I would love to write the next great novel, but realistically dreaming about that isn't paying the bills. So at this current "arc" in my life it shall be about accomplishing the goals I set out for that are attainable.

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