Mar 3, 2009

Hope comes in many forms...

Last night I had the pleasure of waiting on 20 or so ladies over 40 from a local church. They were so pleasant and delightful. They decorated the little dining room, and brought in a tape of Irish jig music. They came from one of our many Baptist churches. I watched these ladies have a mini-bible study and they were talking about sisterhood and fellowship amongst your community. They were smiling, laughing and I just felt that they were innately happy human beings. I was on the clock so of course I turned the charm on. I had a great time. It wasn't about the tip. When I see people who have spirit and joy it is infectious. After being deluged daily with news reports of negativity and doom and gloom, for two hours last night, I realized there is small pieces of hope in our little world, just by watching some ladies put on hats and do a jig.


the walking man said...

Hope, like everything else is where you find it. Glad you stumbled on some there kiddo.

Lori said...

Like you, I take my joy whenver it presents itself.