Sep 18, 2009

The things we do for our children, and they, for us.

Baggy Pants came strolling in my room at 5am this morning. Ripped my covers off and told me enough! I used to get up everyday and walk the dog at this time and walk for about a mile or two. That stopped after Kenny got sick. Do you know this child poured cold water on me to get me out of bed and made me walk? God I love him. He has gotten a little out of shape from sitting in the house. So he took it upon himself to get up everyday and walk Auggie. He said we are only going to be here for another two weeks so lets enjoy the beauty of the place while we can before we get back to urban cement. He is worried because I have lost about 20lbs as Ken was the house chef. I called him every name in the book this am. and than on the way back I hugged and kissed him and thanked him for making me get out of bed. Hope comes in many strange forms. Mine came in the form of a 19 year old who showed me he cared enough about my mental and physical health to fight me tooth and nail and get me up. It doesn't take much to make me happy. I am happy today.


Wanda J said...

You are blessed to have a child who not only loves you, he appreciates you, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that you're okay. I'm jealous...and glad for you.

Peace and Blessings to you both.

Lou said...

I think it shows he is worried about you, and that he feels that the two of you got to stick together. What a special bond that is. I'm glad to read this post!

the walking man said...

Good parenting shines through in well intentioned kids. Even if they have baggy pants.

Lori said...

Pookie- Thanks but don't be jealous. That kid is like a darn see-saw. How is the new place BTW?

Lou- I agree, he is trying to show me in his own way that we must stick together. He is the reason right now that I am getting out of bed.

WM- How do we ever really know if we are good parents? He even jogs in those damn baggy shorts...

Brother Frankie said...

lol, my kids would need bullet proof vests to even enter my room. glad mr baggy did for you..

see i always told ya,
you are loved..
Brother Frankie
A Biker for Christ

Lori said...

Brother Frankie- In my heart, I know I am loved. Sometimes it just takes a minute to realize it. Bullet proof vests huh?? Wow!!