Aug 16, 2012

Re-arranging odds and ends

How many of you, when you get the blues, decide to re-arrange your bedroom or living room etc? That is what I did yesterday. I actually assembled a book-shelf all by myself. That is a huge accomplishment as I suck at putting things together. Jay always did that for me. Tina (sis-in-law) left yesterday to spend the night with an old girlfriend in Md. Just me and the dog and her son Travis. I decided I needed more space in my room so I bought two shelving units to be able to display properly some knic-knacks and whatnots. My floor is now free of any junk and I can show off some of the things I have been collecting lately. I decided I wanted my room to be surrounded with angels and fairies. I also collect Willow Figurines. They are very unique looking pieces, they have no filled in face. They represent all aspects of life. Birth, motherhood, family and they bring me comfort when I look at them. The fairy statues I like are the more gothic looking ones. Strong and beautiful women. So no my room is pleasing. Jay leaves for his new job in Silver Spring, Md. It's very close to DC. I admit, I have gotten used to him living one block from me. Time for him to continue on his own journey. He came over for dinner last night. Easy to please. He requested Hamburger Helper for dinner??? Of coures I made it.( I ate so much when the kids were young because it was all we could afford). He starts his new job at an Audi dealership on the 21st. The told him after 3 months he will be promoted to assistant manager. The commute from here to his current job in Md isn't that bad, but this new job makes it impossible. Too much driving and wear and tear on his car. So I will be all drippy-eyed this coming weekend. I am proud, but I am going to miss my little shit-head. (that is a term of endearment between he and I) I have learned one thing. We will never stop being parents. It is a life-long job. Even though I should have been fired a few times, it's the best job I have ever had. Peace!


luluberoo said...

My office, or library (whatever you call it) is my personal space. All my special keepsakes are there. It's where I blog and write. I feel peaceful and solitary there. Everything on the shelves means something to me. I'm glad you are creating a place where your mind can relax, and your heart can heal.

Best of luck to baggypants (aka, shithead). He's a good kid..;)

Lori said...

Oh Lou I am going to miss him soooo much. I am blessed in so many ways. We might not feel like that at times, but overall I think we both have a tremendous amount to be thankful for. My older one seems to be aging out of his heroin addiction but is not completely there yet. I don't blog that much about him as he asked me to respect his privacy as much as possible. So I do..Wow, what a long reply...Much love to you and your beautiful family.

luluberoo said...

Mine is aging out too! He is definitely getting tired of the hassle the lifestyle brings. I know now I can wait him out...LOL

Syd said...

Good that he has a job but it must be bittersweet for you.